
Masonry + Restoration

We're able to handle just about any repair job, and will advise you honestly when you need to replace rather than repair.


creating new designs, revitlizing old ones


Much of our work is in downtown Toronto and that means working in century homes.  Many of these homes had fireplaces that burned coal and have long since been abandoned or have had several levels of patches over the years.  Our masonry crew has the expertise to perform fireplace refacing and any remodelling needed to rebuild it for wood burning or for the installation of electric or gas log inserts.  Along with fireplace remodelling we can design countless types of hearths to compliment your style with materials ranging from stone, brick, tile, and more.

We can provide an education on the topic or more information can be found on line.  As part of the rebuilding process, the flue is relined with stainless steel to ensure a complete new system from top to bottom and the best performance.  While we have access to the top of the chimney, any minor pointing work can be undertaken.  Should the chimney require rebuilding, this can also be arranged as part of the scope of work.


Masonry Restoration

Given our expertise in this field, we have the ability to restore a variety of fireplace styles. This means we can accommodate fireplaces of any size, shape or age and refresh any home or business. Take a look at some of the work entailed in refurbishing a fireplace to proper, safe working order.
